Nepal feels the heat in Chinese aids
Feb. 20 (Los Angeles Times): China’s footprints are widely evident in Nepal. Beijing is building a $1.9-billion railroad from Lhasa to the Tibet-Nepal border that may eventually reach Kathmandu. Chinese trade, aid and infrastructure projects are pouring in. Nepali politicians traveling to Beijing are tripping over one another as China funds Nepali police training, border control, roads, even garbage trucks.
“The new China is flexing its muscles in line with its economic might,” said Kanak Mani Dixit, Katmandu-based editor of Himal Southasian magazine.
Chinese money continues to pour into Nepal, accompanied by Chinese influence and pressure.
“The trouble is, we’re right next door to the dragon,” said Kunda Dixit, publisher of the Nepali Times. “We feel the dragon’s fire on our backside.
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