His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Concern About Events in Burma
DALAILAMA.COM, 01 November 2012
During the conflict between the Sinhalese and Tamil peoples in Sri Lanka, His Holiness the Dalai Lama appealed to the Sri Lankan authorities to find a humane solution. Likewise, in recent months, His Holiness has written twice to Nobel Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi requesting her to use her influence to bring about a peaceful resolution of the difficulties faced by the Rohingya people in Burma’s Rakhine province.
His Holiness’s Representative in New Delhi has also tried to seek an appointment with the Burmese embassy to convey His Holiness’s views about this serious human rights’ problem.
In recent times, His Holiness has received several representations from concerned parties, including students and staff of the Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, where he delivered a lecture in September, requesting him to intervene. He told them that in the case of Burma, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is the only leader he knows personally, and that he has conveyed his views to her.
Some people have even suggested that His Holiness consider visiting Burma, as part of an effort to resolve the situation. Given the opportunity, His Holiness is willing to visit trouble-spots around the world, if he can be of any help. Aside from this, His Holiness visits many countries regularly, at the invitation of educational and related institutions. However, due to political constraints beyond his control, particularly those prevailing in Asia, there are several countries that it has not been possible for His Holiness to visit so far; Burma, sadly, is among them.
Nevertheless, whenever he has the opportunity, His Holiness will continue to share his concerns about this issue in the hope that there will be a positive outcome.