Dalai Lama’s statement on Tibetan National Uprising day
Mar. 10 (Tibet.net): On Mar. 10, His Holiness the Dalai Lama issued his annual statement to observe the 52nd anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day. Excerpts: “The spirit of realism that prevailed under Mao’s leadership in the early 1950s led China to sign the 17-point agreement with Tibet. A similar spirit of realism prevailed once more during Hu Yaobang’s time in the early 1980s. If there had been a continuation of such realism the Tibetan issue, as well as several other problems, could easily have been solved. Unfortunately, conservative views derailed these policies. The result is that after more than six decades, the problem has become more intractable.”
Full text: http://bit.ly/hRlWkD