i Dalai Lama’s influence will likely outlive him | Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama’s influence will likely outlive him

Jan. 23 (Global Voices/By Craig Kielburger): The marriage of soft power and science in Dharamsala spoke more candidly of the Dalai Lama’s legacy than he ever had.

His Holiness is the leader of the Tibetan struggle. Realistically, his culture could wither without him. But when he’s infiltrating Western society on bestsellers lists and the secular world with scientific studies, the Dalai Lama is building a prominence that will live on after his death. By strengthening his community’s economic and cultural currency, he’s giving his people a fighting chance at survival.

They might lose, but Dharamsala won’t fade easily.

The Dalai Lama is building a prominence that will live on after his death.

Full story: http://bit.ly/hdzJVP